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Moose shoulder form (42,5 cm)Form for moose shoulder mount. Measurements: |
Whitetail female (18,5cm) leftNaaraspeuran uretaanikeho hartiatäyttöä varten. Kuonon kärki - silmän etunurkka 18,5 cm |
Whitetail doe (14 cm) rightRight turned whitetail doe form for shoulder mount. Measurements: |
Whitetail deer (19,5 cm) rightForm for whitetail deer shoulder mount, turning right. Nose - eye 19,5 cm Modelling Sami Karppinen |
Whitetail deer 21 cm, leftForm for whitetail deer shoulder mount, turning left. Nose - eye 21 cm Modelling Sami Karppinen |
Whitetail deer 19,5 cmForm for whitetail deer shoulder mount, heading straight forward. Nose - eye 19,5 cm Modelling Netta Lempiäinen Studio Naturalia Oy |
Shoulder plate for deerA high-quality and massive shoulder plate for roe deer and whitetail deer. Made of pine, stained brown. |
Octagon base with recess 80 cmOctagon Floor Base with Recess, Walnut Overall Diameter 80 cm (31 1/4")
350.00 €
Disposable Surgical Scalpel no 10Disposable Swann & Morton Surgical Scalpel no 10. |
Disposable Surgical Scalpel no 24Disposable Swann & Morton Surgical Scalpel no 24. Sales unit one piece or a pack of ten pieces. |
Disposable Surgical Scalpel no 10, 10 pcsDisposable Swann & Morton Surgical Scalpel no 10, 10 pcs. |
Disposable Surgical Scalpel 24, 10 pcsDisposable Swann & Morton Surgical Scalpel no 24, 10 pcs. Kertakäyttöinen Swann & Morton kirurginveitsi no 24 terällä, 10 kpl. |
Capercaillie 1Mannikin for 4 kg capercaillie male. Modeller: Ari-Pekka Ormiskangas / North Trofé |
Capercaillie 2Capercaillie male mannikin. Modeller: Ari-Pekka Ormiskangas / North Trofé |
Brown bear 12 cmHalf bear form. Measurements: Nose-eye: 12 cm |
Brown bear 15 cmBrown bear form. Suitable for 80-100 kg bear. Modeled by: Sami Karppinen |
Bear shoulder form 15 cmBear shoulder form. Suitable for 80-100 kg bear. Modelled by: Sami Karppinen |
Bear shoulder form 16,5 cmBear shoulder form. Suitable for 150-180 kg bear. Modelled by: Sami Karppinen |
Wild boar (24 cm) rightWild boar shoulder form, right-turned. Eye size 20 mm. |
Bleaching paste for skullsBleaching paste for skulls, 150 ml. One can is enough for two moose skulls, five roedeer skulls or three whitetail deer skulls. |
AttraTec Trophy BleachHighly efficient bleaching agent for trophies based on stabilised hydrogen peroxide (11,94%). Package: 1 kg |
Skull saw red deerSkull saw deer - complete for a red deer and other about same size skulls. |
Jalmarin laatikkorautaKäyttövalmis kotimainen pienpetopyydys, joka koostuu vesivanerilaatikosta ja sen sisälle rakennetusta hetitappavasta rautamekanismista.
79.00 €
Bear M, half jawHalf bear jaw. Economical choice to a mount where mouth is slightly open. Jaws available as base color or naturally painted. |
Bear L, half jawHalf bear jaw. Economical choice to a mount where mouth is slightly open. Jaws available as base color or naturally painted. |
1 liter plastic bottle + cap1 liter plastic bottle + cap. HDPE. Soveltuu elintarviketeollisuuden ja teknokemian tuotteille. |
3 liter plastic canister + cap3 liter plastic canister + cap. HDPE. Soveltuu elintarviketeollisuuden ja teknokemian tuotteille. |